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Awarding funds thanks to players of
People's Postcode Lottery
  • Awarded £241,000 (60% loan/40% grant)
  • Revenue Participation Agreement
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Eco Cascade CIC

Eco Cascade has been established to fill the gaps between cultivators & gatherers of Scottish seaweed, and the many demands and needs of the range of seaweed product makers.

Eco Cascade's ambition is to facilitate the growth of independent sustainable seaweed cultivation and gathering in Scotland by providing quality and high volume seaweed processing services through a central accessible facility with staff and equipment suitable for requirements of range of market endpoints.

Their social and economic mission is to develop a scalable yet sustainable Scottish Seaweed industry that creates an eco-system of businesses in the West Highlands which bring worthwhile jobs and income to the local economy.

They aim to achieve this by:

  • Providing primary processing for seaweed providers on the west coast of Scotland.
  • Innovating in different seaweed drying and processing techniques at scale
  • Working with cultivators and end users on grant funded and commercial projects to find new uses and ways of processing seaweed
  • Innovating in equipment usage with an aim to reduce the carbon footprint of processed seaweed
  • Working with seaweed cultivators to find new markets and uses for processed seaweed.

Funding from Postcode Innovation Trust, thanks to players of People's Postcode lottery, was awarded to support staff costs, testing and innovation during the first two winter seasons in their initial start up stage.