St Helena provides individual care and holistic support for people in north east Essex who are facing incurable illness and bereavement. They are the largest hospice in the East of England with a track record of innovation and growth.
St Helena supports members of their local community by helping them make their own choices and live with dignity. By focusing on their physical, emotional and spiritual needs, they aim to bring comfort and relief to all those who need it, offering the people of north east Essex individual care and total support, regardless of their diagnosis or personal circumstances.
St Helena’s vision for the next 10 years is to be a global leader in caring by extending their scope to last phase of life, with a particular emphasis on engaging earlier with people with frailty and dementia. This will involve developing new models of care and new services.
Thanks to players of People's Postcode Lottery, St Helena Hospice will use social investment to fund the establishment costs for the new medically led Virtual Ward service that will support more people at home whilst releasing hospice inpatient capacity to offer respite and complex residential care to a wider clientele.
It will offer patients the option of specialist care at home, including complex pain and symptom management, as an alternative to the current choices of admission to a hospital or hospice.
Find out more on their website here: https://sthelena.org.uk/home